99 Managers™ Futsal Edition

99 Managers™ Futsal Edition icon

Wishlist now on Steam!

99 Managers™ Futsal Edition, is a futsal manager game for Desktop, Android and iOS.

First pre-alpha versions available on Github!
Please don't expect much yet and play with caution, things will change drastically before first alpha release.

Stay up to date

If you want to stay up to date, have questions or feedback
join my Matrix Server
join my Discord Server
or simply email me at info@simondalvai.org


You can find my latest FAQ blog post about the game here.
If you have more questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.

Find here the direct links to the latest alpha release 0.2.3-23


iOS and MacOS are still work in progress...

Get 99 Managers™ Futsal Edition on Github

Source code

This is a Free and Open Source game with the source code available on Github and Codeberg.


This game respects you privacy and doesn't use any form of user tracking. Find the full game's privacy policy here.

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